This is the last post in the 6-post series on the Crafty Penguins DevOps Journey we take our clients on.
Read ArticleGrafana has a lot of cool built-in drivers for connecting and running SQL against databases. You can see at a glance literally anything you can think of.
Read ArticleTrickster is a reverse proxy cache for the Prometheus HTTP APIv1 that dramatically accelerates dashboard rendering times for any series queried from Prometheus.
Read ArticleKubernetes is all the rage right now for several reasons: It’s the industry standard for deploying containers in production, it’s the new go-to in managing virtualized infrastructure, developers seem to love it, and it can run any containerized application (thanks to Cynthia Harvey for organizing these thoughts).
Read ArticleContinuous improvement and continuous development (CI/CD) is a landmark of solid Linux and DevOps work, specifically in Kubernetes and Jenkins.
Read ArticleWe’ve collected a bunch of videos which explain all the new major features in one of our long-time favorite SQL databases – PostgreSQL.
Read ArticleRecently we worked with an amazing biotech client on an initiative to shutdown internal self-hosted systems and move all services to “the cloud”.
Read ArticleBack in April, Richard presented at LinuxFest NorthWest in Bellingham (Washington state) on using the Proxmox Hypervisor as a rich, easy to use, open source management platform for both LXC containers and KVM virtual machines.
Read ArticleJenkins is a core part of our Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline for our clients. Here are the top 3 reasons we love Jenkins:
Read ArticleContainer based micro-service deployment has been a logical evolution of better managing large software systems and getting the most out of your server resources.
Read ArticleWith many diverse server systems to deploy, configure, and maintain for our clients, it is important to have a Managed Configuration and Orchestration platform.
Read ArticleKnowing what went wrong in the event of a failure is incredibly important. Elasticsearch provides storage for log level events across systems, creating a reliable and redundant way to store, search, and query critical system events.
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